Here’s To Moving On

This has been cross-posted on Yidwise. Thanks for the ride, guys.

Hey guys,

So in case it wasn’t obvious from the title of this post and the fact that I haven’t updated either site in months, I’ve made the decision to put both Yidwise and Jewish Music Underground to bed.

My reasons for this are many and complicated and maybe someday I’ll write a whole essay about them, but a major one is just a simple lack of enthusiasm. While I still listen to and even appreciate some Jewish music, it’s not the overriding passion it was when I started blogging two years ago, and it makes more sense for me to start devoting my energy to other endeavors.

This isn’t to say I have any plans to stop writing, or even that I’ll never write about Jewish music ever again (no plans at the moment but anything is possible). I have a few ideas for new writing-related projects, and being a broke college student, anything I can get professionally published is worth it.

If you want to follow new stuff from me and don’t want to subject yourself to the depressing sewer that is Twitter, I’ve started a Facebook page that I plan to update with any future projects I come out with. There’s not much there as of yet, but if anything happens that’s where I’ll post about it, so keep an eye on that for the foreseeable future.

Thank you to everyone who’s followed and supported me through this weird little experiment, and here’s to a hopefully lucrative and non-broke future 🙂



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